Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Why Do I Suck So Much?

So, the extra bit of stockinette on the Flomit socks was annoying the crap out of me, so I frogged them. In other words, both of my WIPs, gone. In a day. I've really been batting a thousand lately, haven't I? Well, I wasn't really enamored of the pattern anymore either, so maybe it was for the best.

So, I trolled Ravelry for good sock patterns and decided on the Sunday Swing socks. The only problem is that these are sized socks. So, first, I had to find a photo that demonstrated how far the socks came up, and then measured around that part of the leg. I've always been awful with guessing distance and other spatial trivialities, so this was actually pretty hard for me, not to mention a gigantic pain in the ass. This done, I found that I should be making a large. ...A large? Me? Now, you don't know me, but I've never been a large in anything, ever. Clothes have always been too big on me. (By the way, don't read this as a knock on people larger than me. It's totally not; I'm just trying to better illustrate my absolute confusion. I think sizeism is a big problem in our society.) So, anyway, I start looking at my leg, and realize that my calves are quite plump. Okay, doesn't bother me. The only problem is that I have tiny chicken ankles! So, will they fit? Stay tuned to find out.

The Sunday Swing pattern is one made specifically for variegated sock yarns. It was written by Kristel Nyberg and featured in the Summer 09 issue of Knitty. By the by, I love Knitty. If you don't know about it, it's a free online pattern mag. Besides the patterns being free, they usually also come in a variety of sizes, which is important, considering women both big and small need stylish clothing and patterns. It warms my cold little heart. Also, the fact that a pattern is even in Knitty serves as a sort of quality control. If it's in there, it's probably good and relatively free of errors. Anyway, here's a photo of the socks from the magazine, on the right:
Nice, right? I think they look pretty good, and should look good in the pink. I'm hoping for a pair of socks that look nice with flats. (I hate to not wear socks with flats if I'm in long pants. Chalk it up to a personal neurosis.) The pattern is charted, and this is my first time working from a chart. Let's hope it goes well!

In other, not knit related news, today I mourn the passing of Senator Ted Kennedy. Of course, I started a Rav thread when I heard about it, and it's already a shitstorm It's got the little "heated discussion" guy at the top. You know, many people make mistakes, grave mistakes, awful mistakes in their lives. I'd wager Ted did much more to atone himself than others. What I find funny about this is that the people badmouthing him benefited from legislation he wrote or pushed for. Like, lady, don't you see what he did for you? It's ridiculous. But, I'll miss Senator Kennedy. Paraphrasing a friend here: He was a man of privilege who chose to be a man of the people. And for that, he has my admiration. RIP.

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